Discover Pickwick
In this section you can read about the history and development of Pickwick, find out about some of its historic buildings and discover some of the colourful personalities who have lived here.
An historic village with a great sense of community surrounded by lovely countryside
Pickwick is a charming traditional Cotswold village located on the A4 near Corsham. It is at the Southern-most part of the Cotswolds and is well located for Bath and Swindon.
The village has a great sense of community, a pub, access to a good local centre in Corsham and is surrounded by lovely countryside with excellent walks.
Pickwick Conservation Area Appraisal
In recent times, the Association has played a major role in advising on significant planning applications affecting Pickwick. Even though much of Pickwick sits within a Conservation Area, we have been constrained partly the fact that there had been no recent appraisal of the continuing value of Conservation Area status. That has now changed with Wiltshire Council’s recent commendation of our Appraisal as a ‘document of material consideration’.
The Appraisal, drafted by John Maloney and Tony Clark with expert guidance from within the community, now has official backing. It also provides a fascinating insight into the village of Pickwick.
You can read the full document by clicking the link below:
Find out about the wonderful architectural heritage of Pickwick
Discover some of the colourful personalities of Pickwick through the ages